PJL Blog

Getting Started in Analogue Photography

Getting Started in Analogue Photography

The tactile experience of handling film, the anticipation of waiting for the developed prints, and the unique aesthetic qualities of analogue images have attracted a new generation of photographers. If...

Getting Started in Analogue Photography

The tactile experience of handling film, the anticipation of waiting for the developed prints, and the unique aesthetic qualities of analogue images have attracted a new generation of photographers. If...

Analogue Photography

A Journey Through the History of Analogue Photo...

The history of analogue photography is a tale of innovation, creativity, and technological advancement. Before the digital age transformed the way we capture and share images, photographers relied on analogue...

A Journey Through the History of Analogue Photo...

The history of analogue photography is a tale of innovation, creativity, and technological advancement. Before the digital age transformed the way we capture and share images, photographers relied on analogue...

A brief history of Kodak

A brief history of Kodak

Kodak’s impact on photography, film, and popular culture cannot be overstated. As the world of imaging continues to evolve, Kodak's legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative influence that...

A brief history of Kodak

Kodak’s impact on photography, film, and popular culture cannot be overstated. As the world of imaging continues to evolve, Kodak's legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative influence that...

Twin Lens Reflex Cameras

Twin Lens Reflex Cameras

With their vintage aesthetics and classic craftsmanship, Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) cameras stand as iconic relics of a golden age of analogue photography. Offering a unique approach to capturing images...

Twin Lens Reflex Cameras

With their vintage aesthetics and classic craftsmanship, Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) cameras stand as iconic relics of a golden age of analogue photography. Offering a unique approach to capturing images...

The Timeless Appeal of Analogue Photography: Capturing Moments with an Authentic Touc

The Timeless Appeal of Analogue Photography: Ca...

In an age when digital cameras and smartphones dominate the photography landscape, there's a charming allure to analogue photography. The unique qualities and nostalgic associations of analogue photography contribute to its...

The Timeless Appeal of Analogue Photography: Ca...

In an age when digital cameras and smartphones dominate the photography landscape, there's a charming allure to analogue photography. The unique qualities and nostalgic associations of analogue photography contribute to its...

Authenticity – the Analogue photography difference

Authenticity – the Analogue photography difference

Analogue photographs deliver an authenticity that digital photographs just can’t.

Authenticity – the Analogue photography difference

Analogue photographs deliver an authenticity that digital photographs just can’t.